The Media Professional’s Source for Public Domain Films
The RetroFilm Vault is based in the land of cinema – Hollywood. Since 1999 The RetroFilm Vault has provided public domain films for media professionals from broadcast and satellite television stations, home video distributors, film production companies, stock footage professionals, film producers, video streaming companies, web television, and multimedia companies an affordable and exciting alternative to licensed programming. (Please note, the RetroFilm does not sell to the public).
Our vast public domain films, television, cartoon, and documentary library has beamed across the planet via wire and via air for years. Curated from the best available 35mm film sources, the RetroFilm Vault delivers the quality and variety that our customers need for professional use.
The RetroFilm Vault is also proud to house the largest collection of movie trailers in the world with over 30,000 trailers.
Articles About Our Public Domain Movies
Famous Public Domain Movies That Were Remade
Iconic Public Domain Films
Landmark Public Domain Films
Weirdest Films in the Public Domain
Controversial Films in the Public Domain
Great Film Noir Movies in the Public Domain
Best Comedy Public Domain Movies
We’re the biggest
One time buyout costs.
Widest availability of delivery formats for our customers’ needs
Movie title location service.
Movie Trailer location service
Backed by quality guarantee.
No order too small or too large
Custom Editing Services Available
All About Aspect Ratios
April 7, 2018 / 0 CommentsAn aspect ratio is a mathematical expression for the shape of an image. Standard televisions have an aspect ratio [...]
Why the public domain matters
April 7, 2018 / 0 CommentsWhy the Public Domain Matters Why care about the public domain? How does it matter to you? Below are on [...]
50 High Grossing Movies Based on the Public Domain
April 7, 2018 / 0 Comments1. Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) based on Mark Twain's book (1885) Revenue = $24.1 million (revenue figure [...]